November, 2024
The opportunity to engage in and view mounted foxhunting, foxhound and equine activities,
recreational athletic activities, and social intercourse.
Photo Credit: Bill Sigafoos “Opening Meet 2024”
President's Report
-Richard Michael
Although the summer activities have been many, for the most part they have occurred under the shadow of budget concerns. The Board continues to make earnest efforts to decrease expenditures and increase revenue. The Hunt Club contribution campaign began in September and is still behind the power curve. I’m not sure that everyone is aware that hunt contributions are not only for the hounds and horses, but they are also necessary for supporting all aspects of the operation of the Club: employees, insurance, infrastructure, utilities, and the like. Thank you for your careful consideration of these,matters as you make your decisions regarding contributions.
Our Annual Meeting, held September 26, was well-attended. We bid farewell to the Board members who are rolling off after three years of dedicated service: Kim Barlow Binner, Tom Phillips, and Jane Whittemore. We welcomed three new members: Sue Holcomb, Celia Rafalko, and Diego Vizcaino. We thank them all for their willingness to serve.
In late September, some folks of note participated in a foot hunt from Dover Green. John had several friends visiting from the UK who spiced up the experience with their hunting tales. These men, along with Marshie and multiple hounds, became tutors to the star of the day, a 6-year-old boy named Campbell Knight, son of Cary and Nathan Knight. Campbell was given a hunt whip, and after expert instruction, he became quite adept at using it. The pace was fast and he was able to keep up, proudly carrying the whip. Along the way, the hounds hit with music that could be heard throughout Sabot Hill. At the end of the hunt, there was Campbell – with his whip – climbing onto the trailer to pet the hounds. A new hunt enthusiast was born. It is in his blood…His great-great-great grandfather was Frederick S. Campbell, MFH, DRHC,1912-1917. His great-grandfather was Frederick S. Campbell, Jr., president of DRHC, 1969-1971.
The fall Hacker Pace, held at Fairfield Farm, was an extraordinary success, with 158 riders participating. Not to be outdone, the Hunter Trials, held in November, continue to have increased entries. My conversations with many of the attendees provided insight into just how much fun everyone was having. Something new this year were spaces for tailgating along the fence line – they were hugely popular. Keep alert for next year’s schedule of events. Kudos to all the volunteers who made these events so successful.
“Hot town, summer in the Deep Run Hunt country…” although I’m not sure that’s what the Lovin’ Spoonful had in mind. For those who hunted Opening Day, the words have special meaning. It was a dry day, literally and figuratively. Regardless of the weather, it was a fine day, especially for me and my foxhunter who hadn’t been out since February. As always, a special “thank you” to Kitty and Andy Shield and family who have been hosting Opening Meet for 76 years!
Recently, we marked the passing of Heritage Member Collins Denny, III, and landowner and Goochland patriarch, George Alvis.
Many thanks to those who have sent in their hunt contributions – and to those who are about to do so. This is projected to be a difficult year fiscally, and the club needs your help!
Micah and hounds at a check