Hunter Pace

Join us for a 2024 Fall Hunter Pace at
Fair Fields Farm on Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 10:00 am or Preferred Start Times Available

Attire: Comfortable, Helmets and Boots are required.
Complete the online form by Friday September 13, 2024.
Bring Cash, Check, or Deep Run members may charge to their account.
Every rider must complete an entry form
(i.e., if your team has three riders, three individual forms are required)

Entry: $50 for each adult and $25 for each junior (under 16)

Divisions: Teams will be judge on optimum time for each division: Hunt (All jumps will have go-arounds), Hacker (flat) and Junior (1 or more riders under 16 on the team). 1st place ribbons through 6th place will be awarded.

HUNTER: Hunting Pace

HACKER: 2nd Flight Pace

JUNIOR: Rider 16 or Younger

Please email your Team’s Coggins to: DRHCEquineActivities@gmail.com

Fair Fields Farm
2104 Rockcastle Road
Goochland, VA

Please follow parking signs.

For questions, contact:


Gretel Mangigian (804) 833-4240 or

Catherine Foster (804) 624-1907